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I would like to thank my mother and father for continuously encouraging me to use natural products for my hair and giving me the confidence and courage to build Cammi Oil hair products.



My name is Melanie Camm. I started my natural hair journey in 2016. I found that I was purchasing too many products without gaining results.  I wanted healthy thicker hair with volume along with defined edges, a soothed scalp and plenty of moisture. When I was unable to discover one product for all my hair goals; as a result I began to research natural hair vitamins and oils.  I tracked my growth and discovered which oils and vitamins produced the best results. Then Cammi Oil was born.  I didn’t share my idea with anyone because I wanted raw feedback.  Soon my friends, family and stylist began commenting and questioning with good feedback about my hair.  Then I knew I could help other people with my product. 


With my research, I discovered that thinning, balding and shedding hair is a common problem for men and women of all ages. Hair complications from hormonal issues or pregnancy is a major problem. Combatting these issues with Cammi Oil can restore your hair, beards, and tough to grow hair patches. I am proud of this product because it works when used properly.


Your hair is an essential part of you.  Cammi Oil will be a daily part of your hair regimen. Cammi Oil has a multi-tasking mission for hair greatness.



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